“(Not) Good Enough”

You think I’m good enough to fuck

But you don’t want to touch

You like the way I use my tongue

But think I talk too much

You like to have a laugh at me

But can’t laugh at yourself

You ignore me any time you like

But I’m the fucked up one


Some days, it feels like some deep hidden part of me is broken and can’t be fixed.

Even when everything goes right, there’s always going to be this part of me that’s wrong.

What do I do with that? What do I do with the part of me that wants to peel my face off and try again with a different one?

With the part that wants to cut off my growing rolls with scissors, fuck the scars.

Yeah I know, not a pretty image, but I don’t owe you pretty; I don’t even owe pretty to myself.


Ride the wave

Keep your head above water

Feel the rhythm of the ocean

Let it carry you closer to shore

You know the next wave is coming

But it doesn’t have to take you under

Take a breath and

Ride the wave